Adv: Buyloh Accessories

Omg I was MIA from blogging and instagraming for a whole week already because I have been Spring Cleaning my closet! 
Was super busy the whole week snapping pictures of my clothing to put them up for sale, tending to customer inquiries and mailing out parcels. Yes, I'm finding new homes for my Brand New/ Worn Once clothing because I don't want them to be sitting in my closet for too long. 

And omg thanks to my friend Eileen, IM ADDICTED to Carousell!
I know i'm super slow but don't blame me kay,  have been wanting to download the app for so long already but I couldn't cuz of my ios version. But finally found time to update it just so I can clear up the clothes I don't think I will be wearing again.

BTW I got this daisy shorts at $12 from Carousell :P

Speaking of online shopping, there's an awesome online store that specializes in super cute accessories!
Their accessories are so so affordable that when you browse them you will be thinking 'Wah! Just Buyloh!!'
Hahahha see what I did there? :P

Been spicing up my casual outfits nowadays by layering my bracelets and rings.
Actually I have been always wearing the same sets of rings and bracelets out almost everyday because I feel that accessories are expensive! 
(Yeah I wouldn't even spend $20 on a single accessory, If I see something I really like but don't like the pricing, I will take the effort to hunt for a similar one that is cheaper, for the next 3 months :x)

But thanks to BuyLoh, I don't have to spend time finding perfect and affordable armcandy or armswag already!! Because all their items are bellow $10!

You like my bear straw hat? :P Too bad it's sold already on my Closet Sale already heh heh heh.
(I only wear for 5 mins for this advert shoot btw!)

Layering #ASOTD 
(It's ArmSwagOfTheDay k! Checked #ASOTD on insta and some guy used it for AbsShotOfTheDay posting a closeup of his abs regularly zz)

Left to Right:
Engraved Couple Bracelet: Bf
Watch: Casio from LateRabbit
 Bejeweled Owl Necklace from BuyLoh
XOXO & Crystal Butterfly Rings: Forever21

Have like 3 owl necklaces already and love them all because they go so well with almost any outfit!

Here's what I had for my tea break.
Matcha Red Bean Cake and Cafe Latte
Not my best choice, but chose this cake & coffee cuz it looks the best amongst the rest and they are more for photo taking hahah

'Hisssss Snake Ring' from BuyLoh!
My Chanel Bling Nails are done by MynteFingers
Will write more about it in a few days!

They are available in several colors too!

And our all time favourite 'Night Owl' Necklace
Perfect for all vintage lovers!

 Thank you To-gather Cafe once again, for letting me use your cafe for snapping this vintage blogpost.
More about my all time favourite cafe on my previous blogpost [here]

Wore this Galaxy Pinafore for the Variety King Guest Appearance filming last Friday!
Got many awkward stares when i'm taking the train but IT'S OKAYY!! 
Love this pinafore so much!

Outfit is not complete with accessories. A couple of accessories will go a long way!
Wearing 'Hook Me Up' Earcuff  and 'Big 2' Spade Earing (Both $2.80) from BuyLoh

Hahahah looks like I had alot of piercings but actually fake one :P

Jasmine here shows an example that accessories can make a simple outfit look fab!
Btw her midi mesh panel skirt is from
It's so pretty that she got 2 in Black & White! Haha

Pink accessories from BuyLoh to match my phone! (And wallet)

Thank you Jasmine for helping me snap my galaxy outfit pictures!! 
If you love fashion, do check her instagram out, @riceyyyyyyyy

BuyLoh has so so many affordable accessories bellow $10!!
If you wanna sell them (& own all of them yourself), BuyLoh also provides Wholesale Purchases!!
Just contact them right [here]

Here are all their other pretty accessories that I really love.

Here comes the awesome part, They are specially giving you girls 10% off when you order from them!
Just key in 'lindsay10' upon check out at the website.
Promo ends on 19th April

They are selling out fast so get them while stocks last!

Follow BuyLoh on their Facebook Page , as well as Instagram @buyloh too for updates on awesome promotions and new arrivals!
Happy shopping!!

Before the shoot..

  LOL don't know whether to wear the cardigan or not. 
And Jasmine's candids are too cute to not to share hahahah

Hahaha Tai Chi? 

Omg I realize I look like a freaking cat lady here.
No, not cat women. Cat Lady 
( Someone who has maybe 12 cats in her house to keep her company because she don't have a husband and has already gave up on love and is too lonely, and maybe knows witchcraft too lololol)


Anonymous said…
I love your bear hat! Please let me know if you are selling them again!!
Sherri Tay said…
Visited the cafe last week and love the atmosphere alot!! =) Pretty pictures too!

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