Photoshoot at Clarke Quay

Had such a fun day out with Deborah, Boong and Teban at Clark Quay!
Teban was a friend I made in Instagram nearly 2 years ago when he had just a few hundreds of followers. Now he has almost 20,000 followers! Followed him because I really love his street photography and we can't believe it's our turn to be standing right infront of his camera and meet the person behind all these amazing pictures.
And finally he will be flying to Singapore again to meet us! (he missed us the previous time)

Boong is also such a talented photographer who also does the same thing as Teban- Street Photography. First met him at FIDe fashion week when he was with my friend Cindy. He is such a down to earth and humble guy!

Scenery pics taken by Deborah! So beautiful! It's the perfect place to hold our shoot.

My first outfit of that day! We brought 2 sets of outfits each that day. This was a very last min outfit, but lace and florals never go wrong.

Really love these 2 pictures taken by Boong. One of our fav pictures of us!

Then they told us to just sit there and have a conversation while they snap our backview. I forgot what we talked about but look at us giggling! Loving the candid shot.

Our second outfit of that day! Yes, it's a planned outfit! We wanted to have our pictures taken together with us wearing similar outfits. I showed Deborah what I will be wearing and she said she has something very very similar to go with mine. Omg I love how both of our outfits go really well together!

Haha we had a hard time getting up the wall thingie. But I really love how the pictures turn out!

And what happened was so called the Epic Moment Of The Day -According to Deborah :P

As we were sitting on the wall thing at the bridge snapping some pictures, suddenly Deb GASPPP so loudly and was like 'OMMMGG!!'
And i was like thinking 'omg what thing!?'
Then she points 'It's Elvin Ng!! I loved him ever since I was 15!'
She then jumps of the wall thing and ran to him (almost tripping). He was so so shocked.
Hahahah so funny whenever I think back about that incident.

Yeah so here are the candid shots of us looking at the pictures we took with him in my phone.
Look how excited she is LOL

We continued snapping a few more pictures until the sun went down.
Scenery pics, again taken by Deborah.

We decided to go for some western food so we settled down at an Italian Restaurant nearby.

 Hugeass pic of this mouth watering Risotto to make you hungry :P

 Ordered spaghetti! Something I would usually order- something creamy, with some bacon or chicken. 

Thank you so much for all the amazing pictures! Really hope to see you both again. We had such an amazing time!

Photographed By:
Asian Impressions


ice pandora said…
What a wonderful looking photoshoot c; great look and styling you two!
Anonymous said…
Adorable photoshoot! I love the colors, scenery, and outfits <3

I'm following you now on BL.

<3 Emi
Unknown said…
cute babe! shall we fan each other by bloglovin and facebook?
Unknown said…
So adorable and love those floral shorts ;) I've followed you on Bloglovin awhile ago, but it's privated so you didn't me on your list ;)
Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comment, looking forward in seeing you on my blog again ;)) Stay in touch! xoxo

New Post up…
Jenny Woo said…
Love you both Straw Bunny and you! Been follwing both your Instagram for a long time. Great post and lovely outfits! xx
Anonymous said…
You look lovely and so sweet!! Compliments for your beautiful hair!
Visit my new blog at
monica said…
You look lovely and so sweet!! Compliments for your beautiful hair!
Visit my new blog at
Unknown said…
Oh my, you are too adorable and stylish for words. You fit right in in such a beautiful and colorful location!

Also, both of your curls are absolutely perfect.


Unknown said…
I love your blog.. Its so cute and girly :)

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